Thursday, January 22, 2009


I made the volleyball team!!!!!!!! We had our first game today and won!!!!!!!! It was against a hard team but we ended up winning!!!!!!!  I have been having a great time on the team practicing and today playing in our first game.  I plat Libero so I can only play back row but I can play for two people.  It is really fun. 


banananutmeg said...

congrats on making your team, Tay! I wish you were here to babysit my kids!

Stefani said...

we've got to get you guys signed up for that volleyball camp!

hfl said...

Hooray!! Congrats on making the team again and winning your first game and UPDATING YOUR BLOG,Wow. HOORAY!!



hfl said...

Congrat on making the team. And thanks for updating your blog. We love to read about you and your adventures. How about you write about your long weekend at the cabin. A few pictures would be great also. If you call uncle Scott or Meg they will tell you how to add pictures from the cameras. We love you and love hearing from you.
Grandma Lynn

Mamarazzi said...


congrats Tay!! i love volleyball. it's a sport i can actually play without looking like a total dork. we can't wait until we move to hollister this summer so we can go to all of your fun games and other events! woo hoo!!

call me if you need help loading pics onto your blog!