Sunday, November 16, 2008

I Finally Counted!!!!!!!!

 So I keep wondering how many days until Christmas so in case you were wondering too.  I finally counted.  OK SSSSSSSSOOOOOOO, drum roll please. THERE ARE 39 DAYS LEFT UNTIL CHRISTMAS DAY!!!!!!!!!! 
This is counting Christmas day and not today.  I am so excited. 


Mamarazzi said...

wow REALLY?!?!? i need to get busy!!!

banananutmeg said...

you should get one of those little wiget ticker thingies for you blog that count down the days until christmas.

hfl said...

Does this mean that you are going to convince your parents to come to 'steamboat springs for
Christmas? If so then I am excited too!!1

Scott said...

That's Grandma... Always looking for the angle to get people to be with her for Christmas.